tasiasteveMay 153 min readI DO WHAT I WANT! (Image by Pidge Miller)I have been tempted to buy a Cricut (smart cutting machine) for a while. I have not been able to convince myself that I NEED one and...
tasiasteveApr 14 min readA tremulous ode to nothingProject number 273 - file descriptor "names "- [the importance of ]- April 1 - subject to author approval. How is that for a name? Maybe...
tasiasteveFeb 253 min readHello Self Doubt, my old friend.It turns out, deciding to make my living as an artist did not make me believe that I could actually succeed at doing this magical thing....
tasiasteveFeb 121 min readNot a Cleaning ExpertThis will surprise exactly no one that knows me. And frankly if I am bored of cleaning anyone reading about my cleaning fail will be...